Master Document

File, Master Document, Create Master Document or Open Master Document


Use the Master Document feature to create a container for several EW Notator documents, to create a single print out (e.g. to create a book).

Page numbers in headers and footers of the individual documents may adjust automatically to fit into master document page numbering.
Page and text styles defined in a master document can be applied to all contained documents on the fly while printing to ensure a uniform appearance throughout the whole master document.


To add individual files to or to remove them from the master document,

  1. Open the Files tab in the master document window.
  2. Choose Add to display an Open File dialog, so you can add an existing EW Notator document to the master document.
  3. Choose Edit to change the properties of an existing item within the master document.
  4. Choose Remove to delete an existing item from the master document.
  5. Chosse Move Up or Move Down to change the order of the individual file in the master document.

To add a description to the master document,

  1. Open the Description tab in the master document window.
  2. Enter the text of your choice.

To define global display settings for for the master document,

  1. Open the settings tab in the master document window.
  2. Check the Use Global Display Settings check box.
  3. Set the desired values for the display of parentheses. These settings will override the display settings of the individual files contained in the master document.

To use uniform styles in the master document and to define a page numbering method,

  1. Open the Advanced tab in the master document window.
  2. To apply the styles of one document to all individual files contained in the master document, check the Use Styles from Document check box, and click the Browse button. Choose a file, which styles should be applied to the master document.
  3. To define a page numbering method, choose one of the following options:

To print the master document,

To save the master document as a PDF file,

See Also

Edit Master Document item
Master Document